Office of Student Life

Student Activities


Resources Menu

Resources below are sorted by outcomes from the Student Organization Success Framework. Use the links in the menu to navigate directly to related resources with an outcome, or peruse the while page by scrolling. Reach out to us at if you have any questions about resources or suggestions for something you'd like to see in this list.


Not one of the 19 success outcomes in the Student Organization Success Framework, but registration is a major component of operating a student organization on campus. Student organizations are required to complete registration annually.  For more information on the process and requirements, visit the Registration webpage.

Student Organization Management System Tutorial Videos

Other Registration Resources

Registration Checklist - Review the entire process of registration and requirements
Sample Constitution - Use this in reviewing or creating your constitution. Feel free to copy as much as you'd like from the sample document.

Live Training Session Content (for reference only, must be completed in-person to receive credit)

Online Module Training Content (for reference only, must be completed in the Student Org Management System to receive credit)

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Member Development

Leadership Capacity and Confidence

Student Leadership Advocates: Request services like personality inventories or etiquette dinners to increase leadership skills for your members.
Leadership Courses: Enroll in a course to improve your leadership skills (for example, ESHESA 2575 Student Org Leadership).
LEAD Series: Attend an assortment of open workshops designed to improve leadership regardless of where you are in your leadership journey.
Leadership Awards: Nominate a member for an award to encourage them to see their own success with your organization.

For more information on being successul in Leadership Capacity and Confidence, click here.

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Social Perspective Taking

Community Kit Conversations: Start a dialogue among your members on a variety of guided topics that include content to reflect on and discussion questions that can be facilitated by org members or leaders at any time.
Student Mediation Program: Help your organization maturely navigate interpersonal conflicts by requesting mediation services.
Student Leadership Advocates: Schedule a facilitated activity to help your members get to know each other and build self-awareness. 

For more information on being successful in Social Perspective Taking, click here.

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Student Wellness Center: Request a presentation for your members from Wellness Ambassadors on a variety of important topics.
Wellness Coaching: Refer members to Individual Wellness Coaching, or schedule Group Wellness Coaching for your team.
Intramural Sport Programs: Consider creating a team for your organization to compete in an intramural sport for some great team-building.
Adventure Recreation Center Programs: Go on an Adventure Trip or request outdoor learning and team-building activities for your org.

For more information on being successful in Wellness, click here.

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Organization Operations

Purpose and Goals

SMART Goal Setting: Use a template for creating goals and reaching them.
Officer Training: Setting goals are required for registration. The President Training session reviews the importance of having a strong purpose tied to goals.
Student Leadership Advocates: Request a workshop for your organization members to create meaningful goals.
Student Org Success Coaches: Meet with a Coach to create action-based goals for your oranization's growth.

For more information on being successful in Purpose and Goals, click here.

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Membership Recruitment and Retention

Autumn and Spring Involvement Fairs: Sign up your organization to attend one of the university's largest events designed to connect students to meaningful involvement experiences.
Outdoor Tabling: Make a reservation to do outreach in an outdoor area on campus.
Ohio Union Tabling: Make a request to table via promotional space in the Ohio Union.
Student Life Marketing: Utilize free marketing services to develop a polished brand and create recruitment materials.
Student Life Online Calendar: Post programs to this campus-wide online calendar to get attention of potential members or organization collaborators.
Leadership Awards: Recognize your members and your organization's efforts. Recognition is one of the main pillars of retention.
Student Org Success Coaches: Talk with a Coach to review your recruitment and retention efforts and create a plan.
Programming: Refer to the programming resources list for further ideas on marketing.
Tech Tutors: Coaching on building a website, producing videos, storing and sharing files, using tech tools and platforms, and more.

For more information on being successful in Membership Recruitment and Retention, click here.

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Budgeting and Financial Management

Sample Budget: Use this template to manage your org's budget.
USG Funding Request Form: Apply for supplemental funding support from Undergraduate Student Government.
How to Write a Check: Learn the proper way to fill out a check.
Treasurer Training: This training covers the expectations and processes related to being a student org treasurer.
Student Wellness Center: Schedule an appointment with a Financial Coach for assistance in managing your budget.
Vendor Set-Up Form: Complete this form before receiving CSA Funds
Vendor Set-Up Form Instructions: Step-by-step walk through of how to fill out the Vendor Set-Up Form
Financial Education: The Student Wellness Center offers a variety of opportunities to understand finances, including online modules, 1:1 coaching, presentations, and other resources.

For more information on being successful in Budgeting and Financial Management, click here.

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Fundraising and Philanthropy

Fundraising Resources and Recommendations: Learn best-practices for fundraising and some fundraising ideas, both general and specific to Ohio State.
Treasurer Training: This training covers the expectations and processes related to being a treasurer, which includes managing a budget and financial goals.
Buckeye Funder: Tap into Ohio State's vast donor network by applying to host your fundraiser through this crowdfunding platform. Registered student organizations are eligible to utilize this resource. Create a page for your fundraiser and start fundraising! Check out the Fundraising Tips page as well.
Financial Education: The Student Wellness Center offers a variety of opportunities to understand finances, which includes support on setting financial goals.

For more information on being successful in Fundraising and Philanthropy, click here.

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Marketing Resources

Virtual Icebreakers and Teambuilders Guide: A collection of activities that can be done virtually.
Student Life Marketing Request Form: Request free services for graphics, video, photography, promotional items, digital advertising, etc. Please note, student organizations may submit up to 2 requests per semester.
Event Signage and Flyering: Review the general guidelines on how to post signage/ flyers around campus under "space rules and other resources." Be sure to check the posting policies for different facilities as well (e.g., Ohio Union, residence halls).
Chalking Policy: Review how to properly advertise via chalk on campus.
Residence Hall Flyers: Post flyers in residence halls via this process.
Ohio Union Posting Policy: Be mindful about how you are posting flyers in the Ohio Union.
Student Life Digital Signage Guidelines: Submit your advertisement to be displayed on the university's digtial screens.
Submit Announcements to the Student Organization Insider: This newsletter is distributed by Student Activities to all student orgs leaders and advisors.
Advertising in The Lantern: Submit your advertisement via The Lantern's multiple channels.
Ohio State Brand Guidelines: Reach out to Student Life Marketing for assistance.
Trademark and Licensing Services (email): Request approval to utilize Ohio State trademarks or wordmarks.
Tech Tutors: Coaching on building a website, producing videos, storing and sharing files, using tech tools and platforms, and more.

 Space Requests

Ohio Union Events / Classrooms: Request regular or one-time space for the Ohio Union and/or classroom space via the Space Request Tool.
Keith B Key Center: Call or walk into the KBK Resource Room on the 2nd floor of the Ohio Union to reserve a recurring or one-time space.
Outdoor Space: Request space for free for your outdoor program by logging in and requesting under your organization's name.
Plan Events: Browse a variety of Ohio State venues for large events and submit a general request for your event date to receive options.
Recreational Sports: Submit a request via Recreational Sports for a variety of indoor and outdoor recreational spaces.
University Housing: Consider hosting your event via a University Housing space, which is free and can be requested per semester. These spaces are not intended for recurring meetings.
CBEC Conference and Event Spaces: As time and space allows, these are on a first-come, first-serve basis.
TDAI in Pomerene Hall: There are special student org rates for each of their spaces, including free reservations for their small meeting huddle rooms.
University Libraries: Request free recurring or one-time space within one of our libraries.

General Event Resources 

Student Organization Caption Guidelines: Requirements and recommendations from the ADA Coordinator's Office.
Coca-Cola Beverage Donation Program: Request free beverages for your upcoming event.
Coca-Cola Product List: Be aware of permitted beverages to distribute at your on-campus events.  Note: Competitors to Coca-Cola are not permissable to be distributed at your on-campus event, and will not be reimbursed in your Programming Funds request.
Review Ohio Union’s Policies and Procedures: Review these procedures if you have an event in the Ohio Union.
Public Performance Licenses for Movies: If you are showing a movie, be aware that you will need to contact a distributor to show the film in a public space.
Information about Games of Chance and Raffles: Review this policy around giveaways at your event.
UniPrint: Request printing services via the university's centralized printing hub.
Land Acknowledgement: Include a land acknowledgement before your programs to honor traditional Native inhabitants of the land on which you gather.

For more information on being successful in Programming, click here.

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Leadership Transitions

Leadership Transition Guide: Use this general overview to develop an effective leadership transition process.
Leadership Retreat Guide: Planning your own retreat? Check out this guide for ideas.
Officer Notebook Organization: Use this template to organize each role's key information.
Officer Role Debrief Template: Provide this template to outgoing officers to prepare them to transfer information to their successor.
Student Leadership Advocates: Talk through a transition among incoming and outgoing leaders in a leadership transition workshop for your team and/or request support in creating a leadership retreat. Student Leadership Advocates can help you design and lead a retreat.
Student Organization Success Coaches: Request to have a meeting with a Coach to do an in-depth review of your transition process and help you find ways to strengthen and prepare for upcoming transitions.

For more information on being successful in Leadership Transitions, click here.

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Role of the President: Review a traditional list of items the primary leader may include in their role. 
Sample Constitution: Review your organization's consitution 
President and Treasurer Training: Remember to complete the registration process and attend annual trainings to learn about expectations for the president and treasurer roles.
Student Mediation Program: Help your team stay accountable during conflict by utilizing mediation services.

For more information on being successful in Self-Governance, click here.

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Operational Efficiency

Website Hosting: Primary leader may submit request in Student Org Management System.
Email Accounts & ListservsCheck out this guide to request an account. The advisor must be the person to do this.
CarmenCanvas: Request an account for your organization
Schedule a Coaching Meeting with a Student Org Success Coach: Chat with a Coach to talk through your team's work structure, communication, and create more efficient processes.
Tech Tutors: Coaching on building a website, producing videos, storing and sharing files, using tech tools and platforms, and more.

For more information on being successful in Operational Efficiency, click here.

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OUAB Collaborative Events Application: Apply to put on a dream event in collaboration with OUAB. The application opens once in each semester.
Student Organization Directory: Be stronger together. Connect with other student organizations similiar to yours in hosting a program, joint meeting, or developing a membership pipeline, for example.
Keith B. Key Center for Student Leadership and Service: A physical hub for student organization collaboration, visit the KBK Center to connect with fellow students and student organizations.

For more information on being successful in Collaboration, click here.

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Responsiveness and Innovation

Leadership Awards: Recognize your organization's innovative efforts by applying for an annual Leadership Award.
Student Leadership Advocates (for example, feedback; specific topics in which the organization wants to innovate)
Annual Registration process (for example, goal setting; constitution)
Sample Constitution: Review your organization's constitution to reflect on how your structure and processes are allowing or preventing your organization from being responsive.
Tech Tutors: Coaching on building a website, producing videos, storing and sharing files, using tech tools and platforms, and more.

For more information on being successful in Responsiveness and Innovation, click here.

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Community Building and Accessibility

Signature Events: Include these opportunities in your organization's calendar and show up on campus through a variety of important Signature Events hosted by fellow students (for example: Taste of OSU, Heritage Festival, RUOK Day, TEDx).
Disability Etiquette Tips: Check out suggestions for how to be more inclusive for individuals with disabilities.
Student Life Disability Services Education: Request a presentation, training, or consultation to talk about ableism and inclusion in your organization.
Student Organization Caption Guidelines: Requirements and recommendations from the ADA Coordinator's Office.
Land Acknowledgement: Learn more about the important of land acknowledgements, download a guide, and put it into practice for your programs and meetings to honor the traditional Native inhabitants of the land on which you gather.

For more information on being successful with Community Building and Accessiblity efforts, click here.

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Risk Reduction

Security Considerations for Virtual Activities (preventing and addressing "zoombombing")

For more information on being successful in Risk Reduction, click here.

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Advisor Partnerships

Advisor/Student Organization Agreement: Use this resource as a foundation for a conversation about the advising partnership.
Advisor, President and Treasurer Training: Ensure successful transitions and team awareness by having key individuals attend training.
Information for Advisors web page: The Advisor's webpage identifies advisor eligibility, tips, expectations, supporting events, and more.
Advisor Indemnification Letter Template (.docx): Advisors can upload this signed document to the Student Org Management System.

For more information on being successful with Advisor Partnerships, click here.

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Community Engagement

Connection to Student Organizations

Student Org Insider Newsletter - Post an announcement and read about what other student organizations are doing.

For more information on being successful with Connecting to Student Organizations, click here.

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Affinity with the University

Signature Events (for example, Homecoming Parade, Involvement Fairs, Taste of OSU)

For more information on being successful with developing Affinity with the University, click here.

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Commitment to Civic Engagement

OSU Votes Workshops: Attend a Workshop to help your members become civically engaged.
Civic Engagement Programs: Attend a program to boost your civic engagement.
Columbus Service Support Program: Request funding and consultation for local community service projects.
Freedom of Expression: Learn about resources to support your freedom of expression.

For more information on being successful with Commiting to Civic Engagement, click here.

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Questions? Please reach out to the Student Org Team.