Office of Student Life

Student Activities


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Student organization advisors are integral to the success of student leaders, members and the overall organization. Below is information about eligibility, role and resources for advisors.

Advisor Menu:

Role of the Advisor

Advisors serve as a connection between student organizations and the university. With the exception of key registration requirements, the advisor's role is negotiable with the student organization. A review of, and mutual agreement on, the advisor's role should take place annually between the student organization leaders/members and the advisor.

Advisor roles fall into three categories - those that are required for the organization's registration, those that may be required based on the actions of the organization and those that are negotiable. 

Per the Student Organization Registration and Funding Guidelines, advisors are required to:

  • Complete advisor training every two years.
  • Submit online approval of the organization's registration every year.
    • This indicates that the advisor agrees to serve in that role for the coming year, and agrees to the reporting responsibilities within the Campus Safety (Clery) Act.
  • Submit online approval of the organization's goals every year.

Based on the organization's activities, advisors may be required to:

  • Review and submit online approval for operating and programming funds requests.
  • Review and approve reservations of university space and equipment.

In negotiation with the organization, advisors may be asked to:

  • Attend organization meetings and events
  • Meet individually with organization members
  • Facilitate officer transition activities
  • Submit requests for university email services and other technology
  • Help prepare the organization's budget
  • Review and edit organization communications
  • Interpret university policies and processes
  • Provide historical context for the organization
  • Share university information with members
  • Mediate inter-personal conflict

For additional guidance negotiating advisor roles, use the Advisor/Student Organization Agreement. This outlines several common areas for conversation to help set expectations for how advisors and student organization leaders can work together effectively. This agreement is not required for organizations and advisors.

Risk Management Recommendations

  • Advisors are encouraged to upload a signed Indemnification Letter as one way to manage the risk associated with advising a student organization. This is not required.
  • Advisors are encouraged not to be listed as a signatory on a student organization bank account.
  • Advisors should be familiar with the Student Organization Registration and Funding Guidelines that provide full details on registration and CSA funding.
  • Advisors should be familiar with university policies and procedures that are most related to the organization's activities.
  • Advisors should be generally aware of the organization's activities, and offer guidance for student leaders and members to make healthy and productive decisions.

Support for Advisors

All advisors and co-advisors are invited to schedule time with our student org team for brief, informal, "office hours" style conversations. During these 20-minute appointments, advisors are invited to ask questions, consult about an issue, get help with the Management System, or whatever else might be needed.

Appointments can be booked directly online (alongside all other coaching services) and are offered Mondays from 11 a.m.-12 p.m.To request a different time, contact Brooke Olson at

Advisor Events

Learn more about these programs and sign up at

Advisor Appreciation Breakfast

Friday, September 20, 2024

8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. – Ohio Union Great Hall Meeting Room


Advisor Appreciation Lunch

Wednesday, February 12

11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. - Ohio Union Great Hall Meeting Room


REACH Training - Registration Open

Thursday, March 20

9:30 - 11 a.m. - Ohio Union Brutus Buckeye Room


Sign Up Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Advisor Eligibility

There are two types of advisors: primary advisors and co-advisors.

  • The primary advisor is listed in the online organization directory and is responsible for completing annual registration renewal requirements as well as serving as the main university liaison to the student organization. Any faculty or administrative/professional (A&P) staff may serve as the primary advisor for a student organization.
  • A co-advisor is an additional supporting individual to the organization who does not take on any requirements dictated by Student Activities and can be any of the following designations: faculty, A&P staff, CCS staff, faculty emeritus, graduate students, alumni, or community members.

Primary advisors may serve in this role for up to three (3) different student organizations at any one time.

Interested in Becoming An Advisor?

Advisors are highly valued in the student organization community. An organization cannot complete registration requirements without an advisor, and the supporting relationship that an advisor has with the organization can be incredibly transformative to a student's experience. 

We are always looking for faculty and staff who are willing to contribute their time and talents to serving as a student organization advisor. We would be happy to connect you with student organizations in need of an advisor.

I'm interested

Student organization leaders are responsible for recruiting/selecting their advisor. There are many ways to be successful in finding an advisor. Consider reaching out to your existing networks of faculty and staff. Seek individuals with similar academic backgrounds or interest areas. Connect with similar student organizations for advice and networking. Contact Student Activities staff at for additional suggestions.

Resources and Programs for Advisors

Student Organization Management System

Advisors can access the Student Organziation Management System using their name.# to login. This system allows advisors to view organization information, submit required approvals (registration, goals, funding requests) and access online recertification training. For a tutorial about how to access and use the advisor features of the management system, please refer to this video.

Advisor Indemnification Letter

Student organization advisors assume some level of risk when agreeing to be the advisor. An indemnification letter template is available for any student organization advisor to officially recognize their role as advisor. The letter should be signed by the advisor's supervisor, printed on university letterhead and uploaded to the Student Organization Management System under "advisor approvals." A copy of the letter should also be kept for your personal records. Download the Indemnification Letter Template (.docx) here.

Advisor Breakfast

All advisors and co-advisors are invited to attend our Advisor Breakfast each semester. This is an opportunity to connect with fellow advisors, your student org team, and your student leaders. Advisors are encouraged to invite up to 2 student leaders to attend with them. Visit our Programming webpage for details about upcoming activities and to register.

Student Organization Resources

Our team has compiled a list of resources that are available to registered student organizations, which is a good place to start if you are looking for resources that you can recommend the students take advantage of. 

Basic resources we encourage you to recommend are: