Student Organization Framework
The Student Organization Success Framework is a resource designed to help student organizations pursue excellence. The Framework identifies outcomes for member development, organization operations and community engagement that can be used by any organization. Student org leaders can identify where they want to grow, then use the Framework to connect with resources across campus.
Use of the Framework is highly encouraged. Organizations who choose to use the Framework may find they are better prepared to recruit and retain members, engage in collaborations, effectively transition leadership as well as be eligible to apply for Leadership Awards or other recognition opportunities.
Student Organization Success Coaches are the peer leaders who can help you navigate using the Framework and can consult with you about operating a successul organization. Connect with a Coach to create a plan for strengthening your organization.
How Does My Organization Use The Framework?
All student organizations can use the Framework to help make their group better, stronger and more successful! The Framework outlines three key areas for member development, organization operations, and community engagement. To get started, we recommend:
Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the outcomes. Each outcome contributes to the ongoing success of your student organization. |
Step 2: Identify 1-3 outcomes as upcoming priorities. It's important to set reasonable goals. You can always come back to the Framework later for more ideas for improvement! |
Step 3: Schedule an appointment with a Student Organization Success Coach to talk through your goals and collaboratively develop an action plan to strengthen your organization. |
Success Outcomes
Leadership Capacity and Confidence I Social Perspective Taking I Wellness
Purpose and Goals I Recruitment and Retention I Budgeting and Financial Management I Fundraising and Philanthropy I Programming I Leadership Transitions I Self-Governance I Operational Efficiency I Collaboration I Responsiveness and Innovation I Community Building and Accessibility I Risk Reduction I Advisor Partnerships
Connection to Student Organizations I Affinity with the University I Commitment to Civic Engagement
Member Development
Successful student organizations create opportunities for their members to learn about their own strengths and abilities, gain confidence and build a sense of community. The Member Development Outcomes include:
Leadership Capacity and Confidence The development of members’ self-awareness of their personal values and skills, as well as their belief that they will be successful when engaging in leadership behaviors Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Leadership Capacity and Confidence. |
The ability to take another person's point of view and/or accurately infer the thoughts and feelings of others Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Social Perspective Taking. |
The holistic approach to the promotion of self-care, balanced lifestyles, and member success Outcomes in practice:
Organization Operations
Successful student organizations have structures and processes to manage their overall operational effectiveness. The Organization Operations Outcomes include:
A well-defined mission statement that clarifies the overall priorities of the organization, as well as annual goals that identify specific focus areas Outcomes in practice:
Membership Recruitment and Retention The process of selecting and welcoming new members as well as retaining members for organizational growth and sustainability Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Membership Recruitment and Retention. |
Budgeting and Financial Management The ability to be financially self-supporting with a well-developed budget that reflects the current and future priorities of the organization Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Budgeting and Financial Management. |
The utilization of creative and effective practices to raise funds for the organization, as well as skills for purposeful charitable giving Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Fundraising and Philanthropy. |
The capacity to plan and implement successful programs based on learning outcomes for both members or external audiences Outcomes in practice:
Leadership Transitions An intentional process for a seamless transfer of organization responsibilities that builds emerging leaders, prepares incoming leaders, recognizes the work of outgoing leaders, and positions the organization for long-term success Outcomes in practice:
A leadership and membership structure that best supports the organization’s purpose and holds members accountable for actions Outcomes in practice:
The procedures and processes for regular, efficient, and effective organizational function Outcomes in practice:
The ability to work effectively with others in a common effort which maximizes shared resources for mutually beneficial outcomes Outcomes in practice:
A readiness to reflect on past successes and challenges, to evolve and meet the changing needs of members and the surrounding community Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Responsiveness and Innovation. |
Community Building and Accessibility A dynamic process of involving individuals from different backgrounds to create an environment where they feel a sense of belonging and support across identity and difference Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Community Building and Accessibiltiy. |
The assessment and reduction of accidental harm or loss through proactive safety measures and response plans Outcomes in practice:
The collaborative process through which student organization leaders and advisor(s) work to meet the purpose and goals of the organization and larger university Outcomes in practice:
Community Engagement
Successful student organizations foster engagement and contribute to communities larger than themselves. The Community Engagement Outcomes include:
Connection to Student Organizations The dedication to one’s organization and the larger student organization community as a diverse and inclusive network where students can find their place to belong Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Connection to Student Organizations. |
The organization’s spirit of connection to Ohio State and commitment to a lasting relationship between the student organization, its members, and the university community Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Affinity with the University. |
Commitment to Civic Engagement A responsible relationship with the community, built by working interdependently with others to address social issues on a local, national, and/or global scale Outcomes in practice:
Click here for direct resources for Commitment to Civic Engagement. |